Tuesday, August 26, 2008

If Jesus Once..........

There is now no comdemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Rom Ch. 8:1

As I was reading in C.J. Mahaney's book "The Cross Centered Life" in preparation for teaching our church youth group in a couple days, I came across the above verse. Mahaney's context/point was that Christ has taken all of the believer's condemnation before God. So when we daily sin, we should not grovel in guilt, but confess, repent and believe the gospel. I may not always "feel" forgiven, but if I am in Christ, I am forgiven.....past, present and future.

"If Jesus once upon me shined, then Jesus is Forever mine" (from Gadsby's Hymnal 339)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Contentment......a Skill?

I recently finished reading a book by puritan writer Jeremiah Burroughs on Christian Contentment/Happiness. Excellent....I highly recommend it.
Here's some some basic ideas I came away with, either directly from the book or after mediating on some aspect of it:

1. Trust God for your circumstances. Whether rich or poor, own many possessions or little, God is the one who has given us everything we have and has withheld everything we don't have. Knowing this, the Christian can and should be happy whatever his lot because he can know that God has decided his lot for him for his good and God's glory.

2. Remember Jesus Christ Crucified for you personally everyday. If we believe the gospel, then we should have no problem trusting God for our circumstances (knowing that He is good and always does what is right and best).......because God demonstrated His goodness and love at the cross of Jesus. Remember this everyday.

3. Our Eternity is Secure in Christ. If we really believe this, does it really matter whether or not we get to do everything we want in this life....?? No, it doesn't. God has met all our needs in Christ.....ETERNAL HAPPINESS...........so if He chooses to give us much or a little down here really should not affect our state of contentment in this life. What is 70 to 80 years compared to a never ending state of bliss.

4. God gives us what He wants us to have. He witholds what he does not want us to have. (see#1) So, there is no need to fret about getting or not getting stuff, jobs....etc. He has it all under His control. This certainly does not mean we should not pray, work, studly....etc. to excell and advance in our vocation and or provide for our family. Just not to worry....."be anxious for nothing". Trust God. Do what you know you should do and trust God for the outcome. He ordained our days before our birth.

If you are a Christian, God has loved you forever. You can therefore be happy/content in this life. Let us encourage one another daily, as long at it is called "today". Food?, Clothing? be happy. God has and will continue to take care of you. He always does what is best and good.
I personally need this reminder every day..............................

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Life is Life

the first breath of a newborn,
the last of an aged soul,
they share this in common,
the Lord is the giver of both.

from birth and the cradle,
to life at a hectic pace,
the image of adam,
has made its mark on our fallen race.

there's nothing new under the sun,
what was before, now is done.
it's all striving after the wind,
and when its all gone, what will be then?

Life is Life,
so much to lose or gain.
Life is Life,
everyone's worth the same.
Life is Life,
all are conceived in sin.
Life is Life,
evryone's born condemned.
Life is Life,
no one may enter Heaven,
Life is Life,
unless through Christ forgiven.

(pilgrim project vo. 1)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Two Men


Our Lord Jesus Spoke of 2 men,
One thought himself free from most sin,
And so when he stood up to pray,
His pride only got in the way.
It kept God away...........

He....knew not his desperate need.
Self-righteousness had him deceived.
Religion is what he did trust.
He thought his good deeds made him just.


The next man of whom Jesus spoke,
Was under a burdensome load.
His heart was now breaking with grief,
His sin would afford him no peace.
He longed for God's peace.......

He......knew very well his great need,
Se he cried to God for mercy.
And beating his breast as he cried,
This man went hom justified...........

(pilgrim project vol. 11)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saturday at the Mall

Julie and Will are so different. Both great blessings from the Lord....!!!
Will loves the carousel at the mall.....!!

While walking through the "TigerMania" store Will found this soft LSU football that he immediately latched on to. Of course his dad had to get it for him.

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Thoughts on MySpace........

Here are my thoughts on MySpace:

My own limited experience with MySpace has shown me what a horrible tool for wickedness this can be. While the entity "MySpace" is not sinful in itself, what many choose to put on it is and herein lies the problem. MySpace is simply a medium whereby individuals or groups have the freedom to express themselves.......their thoughts, music, pictures etc...

While such is not in and of itself bad, when it comes from bad people, the results are often very bad!! As a race we are fallen and corrupt in our nature. Jesus himself taught this...."men loved the darkness rather than the light" John 3:19. See also Ephesians ch.2:1-3.

Unconverted people by nature love sin and live in it and when given the opportunity to express themselves, it is often in a sinful way. Take away any restraints and sinners will naturally reveal their sinful loves and desires. Enter MySpace. We now have a medium for fallen people to express themselves without meaningful restraint..........teens and adults alike.

While such a medium can equally be a tool for righteousness, the problem is that I'm afraid unrighteous users greatly outnumber the righteous.
This brings me to the question all Christian parents must answer.
Should we allow our pre-teen and teenage children to use/visit myspace..??

Right now, MySpace is off limits for our pre-teen daughter and she seems to understand and respect our feelings,...wanting to protect her.....while she has schoolmates that are allowed to use it.

Any thoughts or opinions?? Am I overreacting??

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Great Hymn Writers.......

Biographical information facinates me as well as other less significant "details" in the lives and activities of those I have some interest in. For example, if I have a new CD (remember those?), I really enjoy reading the "liner notes"....you know, like where the songs were recorded, who played what and when, who was the engineer, who mixed it and where,....etc..etc....

One of America's greatest hymnwriters was Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) and here are a few interesting notes about her:

-she was a Methodist.
-she was blind from aproximately 6 weeks old due to a medical procedure that should not have been performed.
-wrote over 8,000 hymn texts.
-reportedly said * "MOTHER, IF I HAD A CHOICE, I would still choose to remain blind...for when I die, the first face I will ever see will be the face of my blessed Saviour."
-some of her best known hymn are "Blessed Assurance", "He hideth my soul", "Pass me not O gentle Savior", "I am Thine O Lord".........

One of my personal favorites is "Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross", especially the first line and refrain:

Jesus, keep me near the cross; there a precious fountain,
free to all, a healing stream, flows from Calvary's mountain.

In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever,
till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Our Week in Pictures..!!??!!

Needless to say, there is never a dull moment around our house, .....thanks to our beloved "little Will"..!!