Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

The apostle Paul over and over speaks about being thankful and how Christians are to function with an attitude of thanksgiving everyday. As I think about that, I'm struck by the thought of how this is just the opposite attitude our fallen nature takes. Really, it takes little to no effort to complain about most anything. Long shopping lines. Bills. Stress at work. Stess at home. The evergrowing high cost of living. A dissapointing this or name it.
It does on the other hand take effort to be thankful. Our selfish nature opposes it. We have to make ourself count our blessings or they will often go uncounted. I include myself. No wonder Paul makes it a top priority to often remind Christians to be thankful. Why??? Because we don't deserve any of the good things and times we experience. If we consider honestly in the light of God's word what we deserve............we would cover our mouth's .........and if we would dare speak it would be to say "Thank You Lord, Thy will be done"..............But you know the good things we enjoy. The things we easily take for granted. Health. Food. Clothing. A roof over our family's head, besides all the extra blessings like vacations, Christmas gifts and the like that most of us are blessed to enjoy. Friday outings. Friends over for dinner. Church family get togethers. Easter candy. A steak dinner. McDonald's. TV. Movies. CD's. ......on and on......(cell phones).............
but we actually deserver none of this. We deserve to live in misery. We deserve to eternally exist in torture. We deserve God's wrath justly expressed and poured out on us in Hell. Forever. And Forever.
But...........God has sent Jesus. If we have Him we have everything. Yes, everything. Eternal forgiveness of sins. What is a long line at Walmart compared to that?? What is a loss in a football game in light of that? What is a tought day at work in light of that? Mere light afflictions not worthy to be compared with what is coming to us...........Eternal Bliss with our Savior!
Let's be thankful and commit ourselves to encouraging one another to be thankful. We have so much when many have nothing. Many near and far do live in extreme poverty. May they one day find everything in Christ if they have not already. May we commit ourselves to that task and joyfully take our role in the gospel enterprise........whatever God has for us........let us do it with all our might so others may see Christ in us. And be thankful.
"In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus" 1Thes. 5:18

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2008

FBCC WebSite

I'm happy to announce that First Baptist Chruch, Clinton Louisiana has a new website thanks to Carrie King. Carrie has done an excellent job of creating a fresh, user friendly site for our church that allows anyone access to online sermons and podcasting. She would tell you it is a work in progress, but she has uploaded a good bit of Bro. Fred's most recent sermons from his series in Ephesians as well as the initial lesson from Bro. Mitch for the adult sunday school class.
Bro. Fred's messages from Eph. 6 on the "the armor of God" have been the best presentations of such that I have ever been exposed to. Especially his message on 11/09/08 on "the Breastplate of Righteousness". It is a message that is packed full of encouragement for the believer in our Lord Jesus Christ. I can't recommend it highly enough.
Also, Bro. Mitch has started a new study for the adult sunday school class. He is going through a book entitled "Spiritual Depression-its causes and cure" by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. I personally plan on utilizing the online listening feature for this study since I am now teaching sunday school myself.
If you want to check out First Baptist Clinton just go to:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Full and Free

Twas fixed in God's eternal mind,
when His dear sons should mercy find.
From everlasting He decreed,
when every good should be conveyed.

In every mercy......full and free,
A sovereign God I wish to see........
To see how grace, free grace has reigned,
In every mercy He ordained.

Also the means were fixed upon,
through which His sovereign love should run.
And every favor richly given,
flows from the high decree of heaven.

pilgrim project vol. 1

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


there is a way that seems right to a man,
while he seeks to follow his heart;
feelings deceive while he makes his plans,
and death will be the last part.

unless the light of the gospel breaks in,
and gives us eyes to see,
what the true nature of sin is within,
we'll perish in our unbelief.

we must fly......unto Jesus,
and forsake our own way,
He's the Door into heaven,
oh come to Him and be saved.

People are searching for something that’s real,
Longing for meaning in life.
Groping they stumble alone in the dark,
Unwilling to come to the Light.

want you fly........unto Jesus?
from your sins be made whole,
if your load has you weary,
oh come, find rest for your soul.

want you fly.......unto Jesus?
and find rest in His arms,
if your heart now is broken,
oh come, embraced by his charms.

rebel sinners by nature,
unworthy to be received,
yet the grace of God in salvation,
is given to such as believe.

want you fly......unto Jesus,
and forsake your own way.
He's the Door into heaven,
Oh come to Him and be saved.

want you fly......unto Jesus,
be at peace with your God;
through His blood find forgiveness,
oh come, His grace is for all......
oh come, His grace is for all......
oh come, His grace is for all......

pilgrim project vol1 (town/williams)

Our God Reigns

The king's heart is in Yahweh's hand like the watercourses. He turns it wherever he desires. Proverbs 21:1

McCain or Obama......the Lord will direct, raise up and bring down according to His Sovereign decree. What must we do? Pray for whoever is in the position of authority and submit within biblical bounds. They are not there by accident, even though their moral character may be lacking. Remember the Apostle Paul who instructed Christians to be subject to the governing authorities. If I am not mistaken, a wicked man by the name of Nero may have been in authority during at least part of the New Testament era.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote's finally election day. I think almost every commercial on TV last night was a campaign add.........whew!!......I'm glad that's over. I did catch some of SNL's Presidential Bash. Some of that stuff is hilarious......though I have to watch it guardedly and with a fast remote because they can get "off color".....
How about Starbucks and free coffee...??
One has to wonder if they will actually sell anything today...........I had to make do with my home made Wal Mart coffee with french vanilla creamer....YUM...!.....since there are no Starbucks on my way to work. I think State workers are off today......I know the East Baton Rouge Parish Schools are out. Must be nice.

Also, it seems I need to be reminded each time about how a presidential election works with the "Electorial College" vs. popular vote. Cathy and I had a good discussion about it last night. She made the point that in today's world it seems the Electorial College is somewhat outdated especially since now most places (I assume?) use voting machines that are electronic/computerized that give you a tally practically instantly thus giving the populace an "instant voice" on the matter. I know the E. C. is based on population which is good, but wouldn't it be good-er (southern english) to base it all on simply the vote of the individuals of the nation?
Just my take.
Do they still use "chad" machines in Florida?


If you have not yet, please go Vote for McCain.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The far......

A few pics from the early fall...............