Thursday, December 31, 2009

Natchez Getaway......

I was blessed with the opportunity recently to take Cathy on a little romantic "getaway" to Natchez, MS. We spent the better part of two days and nights in this historic city located on the banks of the Mississippi River that is known for its many majestic plantation homes that date to pre-civil war times. Now, growing up in Louisiana, we have our fair share of such plantation homes. But what sets Natchez apart in my mind is the number of these homes in such close proximity to one another.

So, we spent some time together touring a few of these homes and enjoying the sights of this historic little city by horse drawn carriage and eating some good food along the way and just enjoying each others company. Now, touring old homes is nice in itself, but, when you have a tour guide that can really give you the history of the home and its past owners and explain the circumstances of their existence, it really brings the setting to life and gives wings to your imagination trying to "imagine" what life was like for these people who lived 100 to 150 years ago.....people with eternal souls who are in eternity now...either in Heaven or Hell. I do not mean to sound harsh, but it is real. These people actually lived and now are in an eternity of blessing or punishment. Sobering to say the least, for such awaits us all as well.

Nevertheless, we had a great time and look forward to returning in the future, the Lordwilling. If you have an interest in history (especially Southern history), Natchez is a great place to visit!

Here are some pics of our trip.....

Lobby of the Historic Natchez EOLA Hotel......where we stayed.
Shopping at Darby's

Cathy with General John Quitman.

My beautiful wife in front of "Dunleith" (actually side of Dunleith)
I thought the horse was (maybe) gonna get me...!?!

On the streets..........
Inside the Natchez Coffee Co.
The tour guide MADE us play the piano.........!!!

View from our balcony.

The homes we toured were: Monmouth
Stanton Hall
Check'em Out...!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

oh, ye pilgrims

The Pilgrim Project

I've been working on a music project now on and off since the spring of 2006. My background before becoming a Christian was that of someone totally absorbed in music. Regretfully, most of what I listened to was very ungodly lyrically speaking. I played drums originally, starting around age 13, then picked up the guitar at age 15. I've been first and foremost a guitarist pretty much ever since but also started playing keys around age 20. After I was converted, I left the worldly music I was involved with and pretty much for the first time was faced with the need to write my own music, that is if I was going to be "professional". It was 1984. Contemporary Christian music was still in its infancy so to speak. I remember listening to Michael W. Smith, Degarmo and Key, Petra, Kathy Trocolli, David and the Giants, Wayne Watson, The REZ Band, The Daniel Band, Twila Paris, Morgan Cryar,.....and yes, Amy Grant and Stryper. I was convinced this was what I wanted to do.......: Start a Christian Band and have a gospel influence on my generation. As best I know my heart, I truly desired to please God in my efforts. Surely with my background, this was God's will for me...right? Well, no, it wasn't....!! None of the band efforts ever panned out. But God is too wise to be mistaken and too good to be unkind. He knew what was best for me and being a professional musician was not it. Now I don't know what His providence will unfold for me over the remainder of my life, but this much is true. I know longer pursue the music biz like I used to.........and in fact, it has been liberating. Sadly, the more I know of it, the less interested I am in it. Praise God.......

Fastforward some 20 plus years..........and yes, I still write/record original Christian music and its been my desire to have a nicely recorded collection to share with at least family and friends. A source of edification for believers and a challenge to the lost........but to the Glory of God alone and in the name of Christ alone. But why...?? Is there a real need/void out there for such a collection. No. Thankfully there is no shortage today of good solid Christian music. Perhaps more good stuff available now than any other time in the past.....But, it's in my heart to do it. To complete it....... and may God be glorified in it or may I lose all interest in it.......and forsake it out of love for Christ above all.
So, I am..........with the pilgrim project. What's in a name...? A long time ago as a young Christian I came to love the name "pilgrim". To me, it's the perfect name for what a Christian is: "A stranger in a foreign land...on his way home."

The Pilgrim Project is basically the Christian Music Recording Enterprise of myself. Sometimes me all by myself. At other times me and my wife. At other times hopefully me and a friend....etc. It's simply the name I've come to use to identify my Christian music recordings. I hope to have volume one complete over the next 24 months......the Lordwilling, and honestly, there may never be a volume two...etc.....if the Lord is pleased to allow me to finish this first one. It's painstakingly slow because I do not want it to supercede my family and church and relationship with Chirst.......whom it is supposed to be about anyway!!
So far, it has been fun and rewarding. Hopefuly, I'll be ready share it or parts of it one day.

Vol. One is entitled "Songs of Grace and Truth".

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hate Crimes....???

Christian Friend. We must pray...............

"Christian Web News - Alliance Defense Fund attorneys warn that the U.S. Senate should not pass H.R. 1913, the so-called ‘hate crimes’ bill. If it becomes law, ADF attorneys say the bill could severely impede Americans’ constitutional rights to freedom of religion and freedom of expression while creating additional legal protections for those engaged in homosexual behavior that are not available to everyone else. “All violent crimes are hate crimes, and all crime victims deserve equal justice,” said ADF Senior Counsel Kevin Theriot. “So-called ‘hate crime’ laws actually serve only one purpose: The criminalization of citizens based on whatever thoughts, beliefs, and emotions they have that are not considered to be ‘politically correct.’ No one should fall for the idea that this bill does anything to bring about greater justice for Americans.”

ADF attorneys delivered a letter to the House Judiciary Committee on April 22 urging it to reject the bill. The letter noted that the enforcement of “political orthodoxy” in the form of so-called “hate crime” laws is being used to target sincere people of faith, including a small photography company in New Mexico which was fined by the state’s Human Rights Commission for declining to photograph a “commitment ceremony” between two women. New Mexico does not recognize “marriages” between members of the same sex.

“The emotion of hate is an unfortunate reality of the human experience,” the ADF letter stated. “But it is not a crime unless accompanied by a criminal action--and even then it is the action that is within the police power of the government, not the emotion. The reality is that ‘hate’ crime laws are designed to punish people for what they think, feel, or believe. The crime itself that is committed is already punished under various federal and state criminal laws.”

The U.S. House passed its version of the bill by a vote of 249-175. The Senate will now consider whether or not the bill should become law."

Source: H.R. 1913

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

This was Will's first fishing venture.....!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good and Pleasant

Together standing, hand in hand,
claiming unity....
Each overlooking, vital truth,
in the name of peace....

Unity, apart from the truth,
is not what we need, it's not truth you see.
Unity, based on the truth brings security,
promoting liberty.

How good and pleasant,
How good and pleasant,
How good and pleasant......(repeat)
When brethren dwell together in unity.

We must be praying, calling on the Lord,
for eyes to see....
He has a standard, for His saints,
to know and believe...

Pilgrim Project vol.1
Music: a. town
Lyrics: Psalm 133:1/Carroll/Town

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I drove up to the house yesterday after work, and my previously uncut grass was now newly mowed.....!? How sweet was that...! Thanks again Cathy....I love you!
She has been really busy working on the webpage for the clinic I work at and is doing an outstanding job. It really looks professional. Lordwilling, I'll post the link when it is complete.....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday Night Diary

...rain, rain.....some wind and some rain. The Lord sent a wave of rain across our area the past few days. Too wet to do my weekly grass cutting. Julie spent the night with a friend (where did my baby girl go??!!).....Cathy had grad school work to do, .........I grilled, we chowed, and me and Will hung out. Earlier in the afternoon he and I found a small green baby turtle on the back patio, about the size of a 50cent piece. He named him "William" (....and then later the next day changed it to "Shasta" idea were he got that from!.) We put him in a beach sand bucket with some water and mulch. Later, after supper (he ate nearly 3 hotdogs!!), we watched a "fisher price" little people DVD and put together a puzzle...."Lightning MCQueen".....and did our ususal wrestling etc..... At bedtime, I laid by him for a few minutes....before heading off to do some work on the Pilgrim Project. Been trying to record the piano track to a song called "I Sing" on and off now for a few weeks. I typically work on music stuff at night after the kids are settled down and then usually only if Cathy is busy with school work. I'm hoping this nights work is a keeper.......sometimes when you play something over and over again, after a while you don't know if it's good or not......have to get away from it for awhile and listen another's kinda funny, I've been working on this project for about 3 years now in my spare time......who knows, may be another 3 to complete, if the Lord is willing for me to.........perhaps I'm too much of a perfectionist........I'm just not easilty satisfied with my work......
.....oh,...... to be content in Chirst alone...! Having Him is truly all that matters........

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A whole Year of Blogging

Well, It's been a full year since I stepped into the world of Blogging. If I had to make one statement about what I have observed in the Blogosphere it would be this:

There's a whole lot of verbage going on...........does all this stuff get read???

It sure seems like there are a lot of blogs out there that have little to no commenting readership (mine included much of the time!!!)...
...guess it doesn't really matter.
Blog on........

May Christ's glory be our end.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Come Ye sinners

Come ye sinners, poor and needy,
weak and wounded, sick and sore.
Jesus ready, stands to save you,
full of pity, joined with power.

He is able, He is able,
He is willing, doubt no more.

Let not conscience make you linger,
nor of fitness fondly dream.
All the fitness He requireth,
is to feel your need of Him.

This He gives you, This He gives you,
Tis the Spirit's rising beam.

Saints and angels, joined in concert,
sing the praises of the Lamb.
While the blissful seats of Heaven,
sweetly echo with His name.

Alleluia, Alleluia,
Sinners here may do the same.

Words: Joseph Hart
Music: ???
Pilgrim Project vol.1

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Psalm 133:1

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is,
for brothers to dwell together in unity.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

when I look to You......

The lyrics posted below have an interesting story behind them that I wanted to share. I enjoy reading the story behind songs and songwriters so here's my story about this piece.
First off, they aren't my lyrics but they were written to some of my music so I get to claim at least 50% of the song....(like anyone cares!!) But it was the year 1996. I had moved to Augusta, GA for part of my educational experience. I had this new guitar chord progression that I really liked. I remember jogging around our apartment complex thinking about this song....... and at some point I believe I may have written part of a chorus down. I thought it had potential. I made a rough demo of the "song" idea and sent it to a friend of mine to see what he thought. Not long after that I get a call or voicemail from him basically saying he had a different set of lyrics he was working on for the song. Hmm.....I thought, now that was a new one for me..(not that I am a great prolific songwriter)..... but I thought that was cool. To have someone take a piece of my music and take it a whole nuther place (southern for "different place") was a new experience for me. Turns out, his lyric idea for the song was much better then mine and fits the music. I only hope to do it justice one day with a good recording, ......and I am happy to say I have at least started it....................(perhaps more on my recording progress later....)

"When I Look To You"
somedays i'm happy,
somedays i am sad,
there's times I'm good,
there's times I'm bad.
I've climbed to the top
and i've fallen to the ground
been place to place
and all around.
and in my search for who I am I realize,
that choices i've made have not been so wise.


but when I look to you and see as you want me to see,
Your love opens up my eyes.........
for in You I see the man you want me to be,
Your patience with me I can't deny....

the treasures we chase
tell the world who we are
they say work hard
and you'll go far..
so up in the morning
to race through another day
weeks turn to years
and it all fades away
bridge 2
and in my search for who i am i realize
that coices i've made have not been so wise....

Music: A. Town
Lyrics: R. Carroll
Pilgrim Project vol.1

Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 2009 Pics

God is truly Good to sinners......