Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Power of Words

Sticks and Stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me. What a lie!!
Our God is a God of "words" fact our God, the Lord Jesus Christ is THE WORD made flesh.
Words are powerful. They can wound the spirit or build up and encourage greatly. In Eph. ch.4 Paul says to "let no unwholesome word proceed out of your mouth but only such a word as is good for edification, as fits the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear."
WOW...........what a challenge.

On the positive side of this the words of great Hymns and Christian songs can be a powerful tool to derive encouragement from. One of my all time favorites I call "Ruler of the Skies". When faced with the frustrations of this life these words can be a great source of encouragement.

**"Ruler of the Skies"

Sovereign Ruler of the skies,
ever gracious ever wise,
all my times are in thy hands,
all events at thy command.

His decree who formed the earth,
fixed my first, and second birth,
parents, native place and time,
all appointed were by him.

Times of sickness, times of health,
times of penury and wealth,
He that formed me in the womb,
He shall guide me to the tomb.

(All my times shall ever be,
ordered by His wise decree.)

Plagues and death around me fly,
but till God bids, I cannot die,
not a single shaft can hit,
till the God of love sees fit...!!!

**taken from William Gadsby's hymnal

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