Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday Fun......

Saturday was one of those days when I have the priviledge to spend it going and doing with Julie and Will. Julie had her last swim meet of the summer today called the "City Meet", which is held annually on the LSU campus. Cathy, who is working on getting her Masters in Library Science from LSU, was heavy laden with one of her research projects. Unfortunately, she had to stay behind to do school work while I took Julie and Will to her meet. The city swim meet is participated in by the various swim teams of the greater Baton Rouge area. Boy, was it hot today and a great day to be one of the swimmers!!! Here are a few pics from our day.
Will class?? not so fast......!!!

Julie wanted to visit the Indian mounds or "hills" on campus


On top.....

Will demonstrating the "roll" technique.........

Julie gets in on the fun.....

Like I said, it was hot. Me and Will went to see Mike the Tiger, but he was nowhere to be found......must have been soaking up some AC inside his pad.....
Julie and her swim buddy Bailey

Truly, God has been good to us......His mercies are new everyday.

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