Friday, October 31, 2008

the Fires of Reformation...10/31/1517

back in the 16th century,
with darkness all around;
religion was so empty,
it was tradition bound.

for those in the high places,
who to the truth were blind;
their lies were propagated,
keeping the truth confined.

they taught to get forgiveness,
your money it would cost;
they gave no gospel witness,
no preaching of the Cross.

without such proclamation,
God's way could not be known;
the gospel of salvation,
by grace through faith alone..........

amid such awful darkness,
at God's appointed time;
He made Himself a witness
to bring His Truth to light.

God raised up Martin Luther,
a monk in need of grace;
and taught him through the scripture,
the just shall live by faith.

with God his mighty fortress,
Luther began to teach;
that faith alone in Jesus,
was all a man did need.

This caused a great upheaval,
with many of his day;
the pope's men thought him evil,
while multitudes were saved.

Justification by faith in Christ, the battle cry, of eternal life...........

For the Fires of Reformation to burn bright.
Now the Gospel of Grace would once again shine.


Happy Reformation Day..!!!

pilgrim project vol. 2

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Fall in south Louisiana

Fall has officially arrived. The temps this past weekend were great and on Friday evening,
I couln't pass up the opportunity to light the chiminea for the first time this season. Was awesome sitting there with Cathy as Will rode around the patio on his trike. I really love the's the time of year me and Cathy fell in love.

Here's to the cool temps!!! Even got down to the mid thirties last night which is a little unusual for these parts in October.
Thank you Lord, for all these "little" blessings that make life here enjoyable. May I find my true happiness in You........

Oh Well.............

LSU vs. Georgia post game thoughts.

...both defenses gave up 38 points. ...sounds crazy.
One QB threw 2 picks returned for TD's which turned out to be the difference in the game.

End Result= Tigers Lose...........52 - 38.
Geaux Tigers.
Geaux Dogs.....get Florida!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Grace is-- God being kind to those who deserve His wrath and anger.
Grace is-- God being merciful to those who deserve punishment.
Grace is--God's goodness/unmerited favor shown to those who do not deserve it.

All of us by nature do not believe this.

Listen to converstations between unbelievers. In the grocery store, at funerals or wherever. Often when death is faced or at other times you hear folks make statements like this, especially down here in the south....."he was a good ol boy, I never heard him say anything bad about anyone" or
"I know I'm not perfect but I've never killed anyone" or
"I know I don't go to church but I'm not as bad as ol so and so and they were raised in the church"or
"I know he's done such and such but he really was a good person at heart".

What is the problem with this type of language?
Well, it's the same basic problem the Jews had when faced with Jesus as the Messiah. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. It's the language of self-righteousness. Not seeing their utter spiritual bankrupcy before God but depending on the fact that they were "Abrahams offspring". Their self-righteousness was geneological--that is, it was tied to who their ancestors were and the practice of their religion. The same is done over and over today. It is the natural inclination of fallen man. To base our eternal relationship with God on something other than, "my grandfather was a preacher", or "I'm not that bad, ....surely the good I've done out weighs the bad".........
All Self-Righteousness.............
The problem is our ancestry is not the standard.
Whether or not we are as bad as our neighbor is not the standard.
The standard is God. His Law (10 commandments) which reveal His perfect moral character.
In the light of that standard we all fall miserably, yes inifinitely short.

Fly to Jesus.
He completely fulfilled the righteousness of the Law on behalf of sinners and satisfied God's just anger and wrath for all the times we broke that Law.
Fly to Jesus.
You will be accepted by God ONLY in HIm.
Fly to Jesus................

LSU vs. South Carolina

...not much to say this week.
If the LSU defense continues not to blitz and not apply pressure to the USC QB, they could be in trouble again. I beleive we have the personel, just questioning the scheme I see executed on the field. But, Rejoice in the Lord...!!! He is always victorious!!!

Geaux Tigers

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

i know

the dreadful plight of fallen man,
the depth of his disease.
there is no shade of good in him,
for which he now may plead.

within his heart there is no light,
to point him in the way.
he cannot see his need of Christ,
without a work of grace.

i know.....i don't deserve to love of God,
i know.....i don't deserve His peace,
i know.....the just shall live by faith alone,
i Christ i am complete.

the message of the gospel is,
that God can now be just,
and justify the vilest men,
by faith in Jesus blood,

to demonstrate so great a love,
He sent His son to earth,
to live a perfect life for us,
that He might bear our curse.

i know.......

in Heaven their would be no place,
no hope beyond this life,
for anyone of adam's race,
if Jesus had not died.

i know.......

Thursday, October 9, 2008

LSU vs. Florida

Well, it's Florida week. I'll just give my opinion on the stregnths and weaknesses of each team.
LSU strengths: Offensive Line
Running Backs
Defensive Line
Field Goal Kicker

LSU weaknesses/question marks?: Quarterback--talented but young with limited experience.
Defensive Backs--giving up some big plays.

Florida strengths: Quarterback: talented and experienced

Florida weaknesses: Offensive Line

Running Backs

The Keys to an LSU win in my opinion is being able to take over the game by being able to run the ball at will and putting pressure on Tim Tebow. On paper the Tigers look like they should be able to do both but, the game is not played on paper as we all know. As much as I love a good passing game the ability to run the ball can be crucial in a game like this.

Because of the Tigers strength up front on offense and defense, I think they have a real good shot at coming out of the Swamp with a win on Saturday night.....the Lordwilling!!!

Geaux Tigers

(we got our tail beat 51-21!!)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cool Song

I heard this music on a tv commercial and it almost immediately caught my attention which rarely happens. I typically need to hear a new song a couple of times before I begin to like it (or not). But, this caught me. When I finally found out who the artist was I also found out that he is a professing Christian. Here's a link to an interview from about a year ago.

If any of you know anything else about this guy or have an opinion, I'd love to hear it.