Thursday, October 16, 2008


Grace is-- God being kind to those who deserve His wrath and anger.
Grace is-- God being merciful to those who deserve punishment.
Grace is--God's goodness/unmerited favor shown to those who do not deserve it.

All of us by nature do not believe this.

Listen to converstations between unbelievers. In the grocery store, at funerals or wherever. Often when death is faced or at other times you hear folks make statements like this, especially down here in the south....."he was a good ol boy, I never heard him say anything bad about anyone" or
"I know I'm not perfect but I've never killed anyone" or
"I know I don't go to church but I'm not as bad as ol so and so and they were raised in the church"or
"I know he's done such and such but he really was a good person at heart".

What is the problem with this type of language?
Well, it's the same basic problem the Jews had when faced with Jesus as the Messiah. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. It's the language of self-righteousness. Not seeing their utter spiritual bankrupcy before God but depending on the fact that they were "Abrahams offspring". Their self-righteousness was geneological--that is, it was tied to who their ancestors were and the practice of their religion. The same is done over and over today. It is the natural inclination of fallen man. To base our eternal relationship with God on something other than, "my grandfather was a preacher", or "I'm not that bad, ....surely the good I've done out weighs the bad".........
All Self-Righteousness.............
The problem is our ancestry is not the standard.
Whether or not we are as bad as our neighbor is not the standard.
The standard is God. His Law (10 commandments) which reveal His perfect moral character.
In the light of that standard we all fall miserably, yes inifinitely short.

Fly to Jesus.
He completely fulfilled the righteousness of the Law on behalf of sinners and satisfied God's just anger and wrath for all the times we broke that Law.
Fly to Jesus.
You will be accepted by God ONLY in HIm.
Fly to Jesus................

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