Matthew 7:13: "Enter in by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter in by it. "
I have been thinking about this verse lately because its truth is something I've been wanting to include in a song I have been working on recording. But, in general the subject of self-denial has been something I've been wrestling with for some time and after reading a post by my friend Rod Carroll on a book he recently read by John McArthur I was challenged even further to think about this issue. Here are some of my conclusions:
1. We do not earn our salvation by is by self-denial that we show we are saved.
2. If we believe in Christ alone for salvation and fogiveness of sins, it has to be because we have a broken and contrite heart over our sins.
3. If this faith resides in us, then we will love Christ.
4. If we love Him, we will want to obey Him and His word and commands will be the standard that guides our love driven obedience.
5. Such love will go against the grain of our yet fallen (but regenerated) natures , and so to obey will often involve a stuggle with the flesh (remaining sin in us).
Thus the gate is narrow that leads to life. Only those with this faith in Christ love Him enough to want to obey Him when it goes against our nautural fallen desires and ambitions or in difficult circumstances. The broad way has plenty of room and space enough to accomodate our amalgamations of selfishness and notions of faith in Chist. It is magnanimous enough to allow us to continue in known sin and feel good about our relationship with God. Yet, what is the best explantion of self-denial, our Lord Jesus had this to say after speaking on taking up our cross and denying ourself:
Luke 9:24: "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever will lose his life for my sake, the same will save it."
Putting to death sin and all self-rule. That's it...SELF-RULE and all its expressions of selfishness and sin must die to enter the narrow gate and stay on that narrow path. And Jesus said few are those who find this way to life. Why?? It goes against our fallen nature. It is all of grace that any of us have entered this narrow gate. This way of salvation is open to all who want it. But herein lies the problem. We by nature to not want it on Christ's terms.
Yet,........Fly to Jesus......and be at peace with God.
He still receives sinners.
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